Sunday, March 15, 2009

Father son bonding time. How to brush your teeth by Tugg McQuinn. Who everyone knows tells daddy to brush his teeth.

Under roo correction

To those who don't know this is the correct way to wear your under roos. Just so you know.

Sportsman Show 09'

Here are my cute boys trying their hand and the man made pond at the sportsman show in Pendleton. Tugg didn't catch anything but he did want to hold the pole and whack the fish swimming by and anyone else who was too close. They were so funny.

Here we are two months away from baby number two which by the way is a boy and his name in Kolt Fenway McQuinn. I can't wait for the adventures to start three boys and little old me. Sweet better gear up on some kind of girlie hobbie to keep sane. Or join in all the boy fun.

Super Star

If anyone knows Jay Fisher they might think of her as just my little sister but oh she is much much more than that. She is my night in shinning armor. She has taken over the duty of midwife, nanny, manicurist, cook, support, and most of all Super woman. She does it all no cancer can stop her. She is amazing if you ever see her out and about don't ask her how she is tell her she is beautiful and a mighty women of god!! That she is talented and the Super Coolest Sister to her big sister. Then give her the biggest hug cause even though I say it but not nearly enough She is the most incredible person I know and I look way up to her. She's my role model. I love you!!!