Monday, December 6, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas. May you be healthy and happy!! Love the McQuinn's

Cookie Batter!!

Remember when your mom would let you help make cookies and the best part was the beater. Yeah that is the boys favorite part too. Tugg I wonder if any got in his mouth, he had it all over his face.


Kolty doesn't care for the snow as much as Tugg does. Tugg had a blast with the first snow of the season.

Light up the Night

You might not be able to tell but these are toothbrushes that light up and the boys are in the tub.

Sickly Sweet

How cute are we. So in love, its sick.

Football helmet no problem.

Kolty loves when his brother lets him wear his football helmet. I just don't think it is a good idea during dinner.

Sticker time!!

Stickers are the boys number one favorite thing to do.