Friday, October 29, 2010

Great Grandma Fay sent cupcakes home with mema for the boys and boy did they love them. The carpet and table and chairs loved them too. Thanks Great Grandma Fay

Baby Shay Shay

Tugg and Kolt love their baby cousin Shaylor. They always want to hold and touch her. Tugg gets so protective.

Koltys photo shoot by Tugg

Tugg is my little photographer he loves to grab the camera and go to town.

Halloween Costume Fun!

Tugg is going to be Spiderman for Halloween and Kolt well we will be lucky if we can get the costume anywhere near him in the next few days. You can tell by his face he really does like it. He's just faking it.

Play time with Play dough!

Bryan and I sat down to have a quiet night with Tugg playing play dough. Tugg loved it so much he wanted to eat the play dough. Yuck!

Kolt's Big Boy Bed!

Kolt sleeps in a big boy bed like a champ!! Such a big boy now.