Thursday, August 12, 2010

Muddy water

This is my idea of bathtime. We heated up water and like in the good ole days took a bath. Washing the most important parts. The feet. Kolt didn't care for it but was forced into it. For some odd reason he likes his dirt. Tugg loved it and wanted to stay in. That water was mud by the time the boys were clean.

Jubilee Lake

We went to Jubilee Lake and had a good time. As you can tell Kolt loved the dirt and Bryan was able to catch alot of fish. We even kept some for Gram Gram! Tugg was a laugh when casting his bobber out and losing three of them but still had a good time.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Family Camping

We went on a camping trip with my family this past weekend and had a blast!! Kolt and Tugg came back with half the mountain's dirt tucked away in their chin folds and fingernails. Gross but all boy!!

Bubble Time

Tugg likes bubble baths. Kolt well you can tell that he doesn't like them.

4th of July

Here is our family watching the fireworks on the 4th of July! Tugg didn't like that they were so loud so we put ear protection on him and he was a little better but didn't like how close they were so he fell asleep. Kolt didn't mind them he fell asleep before they started. As for Bryan and I we love that we can watch from our back yard.