Monday, June 21, 2010

All Aboard!!

In Pendleton this fine Monday morning they had free train rides and we got the kids and rode the train to Mission. It was about a 45min ride and the kids loved it. They had an informational speech about train safety in the begining. The kids got colorbooks and looked out the windows. Watch out PaPa Z we might have future Engineers here.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Chocolate Chocolate

Chocolate lovers unit. Kolt licked the bottom of the pudding bowl today at lunch and this is what I get a mess. Would it be wrong if I licked the chocolate off him. He is so sweet as is. Would it be too much sweetness.

Three Years!!

My little man is now three years old and I'm ready for the next stage. The WHY stage he has already started a little of it. So does that mean next year will be the, telling me the answers to my why are you doing that to your brother.

Strike your out

Baseball mania and the batter is up and out out out Dad!! Tugg is one baseball fanatic he loves when Bryan or I can get out and throw or bat with him. He pitches hard and to the outside. His batting however is wild and up the middle or homerun all the time. My little super star.

The cutest boys ever

Which one can possible be more cheesy? My guess is for Kolt he loves to make cute faces and Tugg loves to wink. So can you tell which is which?

Hunter Hats

My Auntie Gloria made these cute hats for the boys. You know hunter orange for when they go hunting and people will be able to see them. Very safe thinking. Thanks Aunt Gloria. We love them and Bry and I want on to fit us.

Mountain Time

To the mountains we will go! Tugg and Kolt love going to the mountains they love to get dirty and take a hike. On this trip we were looking for mushrooms. We found 5 and brought them home to eat. Tugg didn't want to try so Mom and Dad ate them. Yum!!

Baby Bump isn't a bump anymore

Proud mama!! Isn't she precious? Shaylor Tristan Fisher is the best new addition to the family and Kolt is very fond of her. Love you Shay Shay!!