Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Don't bite that is will pop. Yikes!

Kolt Fenway

Just because he is so photogenic and Cute too boot!!

Tugg's Fish

Its a father son thing!! You wouldn't understand!!

Happy St. Patricks Day

It's because our last names McQuinn isn't it?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Kolt in shoes

I wanted to see if Kolt would walk in shoes vrs. his robbies But no luck he looks like a kitten with tape stuck to his feet.

How cute this is his favorite toy. He loves going potty or trying to go and playing in the toilet. Yup thats right caught him in the toilet and if he could get his face down in it Im sure he would. Gross.

When I say wear it I mean.....

When I said wear your hat outside to keep your ears warm what do you do? You throw your hat on the roof and try to fish it off. This is one of those life moments where you sit back and say I want to remember your sweet inocents cause when your a teen and doing this you better believe the wooden spoon will be back.

Just a little note to all you parents out there. Don't leave two very misjeevus two year olds to play quitely in their room this may happen.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Fisher Fisher men men men

Oh my great white hunter. I mean fisher. I have to say a good guilt trip no morning kiss goodbye and a silent see ya later will do the trick everytime. Don't they want you to think that. The fishing was very good to Bryan and Scott on Friday and must I add yummy to boot.