Remember when your mom would let you help make cookies and the best part was the beater. Yeah that is the boys favorite part too. Tugg I wonder if any got in his mouth, he had it all over his face.
Stickers are the boys number one favorite thing to do.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Great Grandma Fay sent cupcakes home with mema for the boys and boy did they love them. The carpet and table and chairs loved them too. Thanks Great Grandma Fay
Tugg is going to be Spiderman for Halloween and Kolt well we will be lucky if we can get the costume anywhere near him in the next few days. You can tell by his face he really does like it. He's just faking it.
So the picture of Bryan and I is from a concert we went to in Walla Walla and then the pictures of those homeless boys is from when we went camping up at Elk camp. They were so dirty that it took two baths to get them clean. Kolt loves to sleep with his blanket over his head. Tugg wouldn't let go of that babydoll he loved on it all weekend.
This is my idea of bathtime. We heated up water and like in the good ole days took a bath. Washing the most important parts. The feet. Kolt didn't care for it but was forced into it. For some odd reason he likes his dirt. Tugg loved it and wanted to stay in. That water was mud by the time the boys were clean.
We went to Jubilee Lake and had a good time. As you can tell Kolt loved the dirt and Bryan was able to catch alot of fish. We even kept some for Gram Gram! Tugg was a laugh when casting his bobber out and losing three of them but still had a good time.