Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all. I hope you get your wish come true.

The big Fight.

Oh poor sick baby. So this cold n flu season Kolt Fenway got a nasty cold. Yes just a cold oh and double ear infection and double eye infection. He is all better now but he looked like he got into a fight with Mike Tyson.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bath Time

Never fails You wash one they all want in.

snow please

walking in a winter wonderland.

oh baby

Babyface Got to love your babyface.

Spicey, Spicey

Spiceys thats what Tugg calls Bryan's beard and now he has one. How cute is this

Kolt's Crawl

Six Months

Wow I am six months old. I can almost crawl and I eat big people food. I love to play with my brother and friends at the nanny house. I can almost say ma ma, da da, and it sounds like I say JJ. But I don't know what they mean yet. Not long before I graduate college and get married.