Saturday, May 30, 2009

Kolt is Finally Here!!

After waiting for two whole days after his due date. Kolt finally arrived. I labored at home from 7:00 until 5:00 Jay asked me to go get checked and so off to the hospital. We arrived and checked in but never left. I was at 8cm and the nurse rushed around getting everything ready for Kolts big arrivial. We weren't there but an hour and I pushed for 45mins. Then the bundle of joy was here in our loving arms. We are so happy!! Everyone is healthy and getting into the swing of things.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just an update!!

So the update goes like this today the 20th is Kolt's due date but he is staying firm. He is in perfect potion to come but doesn't want to. I am 4 cm and 75% effaced but none of that matters if he isn't ready. So we wait. Please pray for my patients as well cause he is worth waiting for but I am tired of being pregnant.

Kolt come soon!!!

So while we are patiently waiting for our Kolt to arrive Jay thought it would be nice to take some last minute pictures. She was so cute. She photo shopped them on her computer so they look a lot nicer then these ones. But none the less it was fun.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

just an update

So here we are just waiting patiently for Kolt Fenway. I am 39 weeks and can go anytime. we are super excited and anxious for the next chapter to begin. Say prays for a quick and safe delivery from mister stork.