Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This is Ryan or Uncle Brynan as Tugg calls him he has a baby too. not really but thanks for making me feel better. Love ya

Does this baby make me look fat? Well here we go I am 2cm dialated and 50% effaced and ready anytime to welcome Kolt Fenway McQuinn. Thats right name bedroom and brother all ready to enjoy the new beginings.

Time to brush the teeth and why not two isn't faster then one.

Summertime Summertime. It has been beautiful here in P-town and Tugg has taken a liken to being naky nakey. Which is nice on the laundry. He cracks me up.

Need I say blowing bubbles is the cutest past time ever.

You know this is what she gets for taking my camera. he he. If you don't know this side of Jay Fisher be blessed she's a real nut. But she's my nut and I wouldn't trade her for anything. Silly Goose.

Ok so I have to give a shout out to my creative husband. He has worked so hard on this mount. It is his pride and joy right now. It turned out amazing. He is so funny.