Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all. I hope you get your wish come true.

The big Fight.

Oh poor sick baby. So this cold n flu season Kolt Fenway got a nasty cold. Yes just a cold oh and double ear infection and double eye infection. He is all better now but he looked like he got into a fight with Mike Tyson.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bath Time

Never fails You wash one they all want in.

snow please

walking in a winter wonderland.

oh baby

Babyface Got to love your babyface.

Spicey, Spicey

Spiceys thats what Tugg calls Bryan's beard and now he has one. How cute is this

Kolt's Crawl

Six Months

Wow I am six months old. I can almost crawl and I eat big people food. I love to play with my brother and friends at the nanny house. I can almost say ma ma, da da, and it sounds like I say JJ. But I don't know what they mean yet. Not long before I graduate college and get married.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Heres to us!!

Gross as we maybe, Heres to us in all our glory. As fun and loving as we may be, Heres to us. With all our ups n all our downs, Heres to us. To the one I never want to let down, Heres to us. Heres to always putting up with boys and them put up with me. Heres to us and to a never dull moment with our family.

Mommy can I have make em up too!!

So Tugg asks everytime I do my make up if he can have make em up too. So the good mom I am gave him the old eyeshadow I had no use for and as you can see he has plenty of use for it. His dad helped him out with the mustache and sideburns.

Feed The Pig!

For those of you who don't know. Feed the pig is when you get money for your piggy bank and you go feed the pig.

My Boys

We R Borthers

They kill me sometimes with their likness and how cute they are. Boys will be boys when Tugg wants to wrestle and Kolt wants to be grown so he can do what big bro is doing. Its going to be great.

4 months

cool Dude! 4months old n lovin it.He currently knows how to roll over, sit up and is trying new food. Yeah big boy!

Running with or from the bulls!

This is Bryan and Tugg running from a Bull at Round-Up this year. How cute does Tugg look he doesn't even look scared. My Tough little man.

Identical Twins

So these pictures may look identical but if you look real close Kolts left eye is a little lazy:)Just kidding I put two of the same pics up. My bad.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Its not what you think!

So an update on my number one guy. Bryan has now fallin in love with hop harvest. He is super excited to brew his own batch of beer with his newly harvested hops. We also have hops growing in the backyard and can't wait to harvest them. Oh fun!

Big Boy

Well not sitting up by his self yet but I wanted to eat without holding him. So now I think I might just let him play. It's a lot easier to eat that way.

Got my shades!

It's so bright I gotta have my shades. Tugg is into wearing flip flops, and sunglasses he has aquired four pairs and sometimes wears all at the same time.

Kolt 2 months old

The time is flying by. Before we know it Kolt will be walking and talking full sentences.

Brotherly love

Here are the boys how big they are getting.

My little nudest!

So Tugg wanted to play in the yard, but of course with no clothes on. So what do I do I get out the camera and ta da. You wouldn't think there would be a lot to do with no clothes on but swim, but he found tons to do.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Chimney Picnic 2009

dog gone days of summer!

Today is a wonderful day of playing in the yard going to the pool and Tugg eatting his cereal like one of the dogs. While the dogs wait patiently for him to finish so they can clean up. How sweet.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Jay make room for me!

Oh Auntie Jay has enough room for all. She kills me when she gets all the kids on her lap its her favorite spot in the house. Love you!!