Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Two more months to go!

Just a little update on our little 10month old bundle of joy. Well you wouldn't think Tugg to be a mover and a goer two months ago. Oh but now that he can walk yes thats what I said WALK he goes everywhere and does everything the big kids do. We also eat big kid food and talk big kid talk. (ie ma ma da da ba ba and hi da da) He also plays big to from jumping on the trampoline to getting any toy from the toy box all on his own. He has two more months until he is one and I don't know what to expect him to be doing by then.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Snow Cone Fever

Take me out to the ball game. Tugg's first snow cone and he loved it blue razberry delicious.

This Is My Nanny Life!!

Here are all my nanny kids minus one Adrie is missing. Its hard to remember the camera when all of them will be there on the same day. Tugg by the way loves little Hadlee she is the one in the johnny jump up. The rest is as follows Hank, Ella, Tyler holding Hadlee, Keefer, Grace, Sylvie holding Tugg who doesn't look to happy but really is.

My Daddy is Better than your Daddy!

Aren't my boys the cutest. They totally melt my heart when I watch them play and do big boy stuff. Tugg looks more and more like his daddy. Boy does he let you know when dad is home. I think his favorite part of the day is when Bryan opens the door and walks up the stairs and peeks over the banister at Tugg he giggles and yells dada. Two of a kind those boys.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Almost 10 months

Ok so I haven't been the best on getting my pictures updated. Here is a little note to hopefully tied you all over until the day I can prie myself away from the darling and use a computer. Tugg is almost 10 months and getting ready to walk he takes about 5 steps without any support and then slowly plops on his bum. He is getting super big and heavy. My guns have never been so tired. He loves the word da da and is just getting around to say ma ma. He loves his bath and gets a kick out of kicking and splashing the water. Well he just woke up better tend to the little poop maker. love to all.