Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Art time!

Who let the kid have markers? So Tuggs new favorite, markers. We bought him for christmas bathtime markers. He loves them.

Friday, December 19, 2008


Sunday, December 14, 2008


Christmas snowglobe

Tugg's most favorite part of Christmas: snowglobes this one has a rocking horse that moves and he loves horses.

Daddy's Proudest Moment!

Oh a proud daddy! Tugg was just kicking it boy style watching football with his baseball (redsox bat) rooting for his team! Oh boys will be boys!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Oh to be festive! Well for all of you who may be able to take part in a cup of cheer enjoy! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Who wants to be a rockstar for christmas? Tugg does. He got these superstar glasses from Adrie my neice's birthday on Saturday. Guess what he loves them! Doesn't he look like Elton John.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This by far has to be a parents proudest moment when you realize that no heel in the house is safe. He could just want to be a tap dancer. Oh and yes my handy camera won't let me flip the video so enjoy the side shot.

Boys at work or play?

This is our backyard. Getting it ready for the new grass and maybe a big swingset for Tugg and future sibling. We are cutting these enormous trees down because they weep sap all over everything and the needles killed our last grass. So needless to say bye bye bye ugly trees.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I wanna pish!!

Some Day I will be old enough to fish with the great white hunters. Heath got this for Tugg last Chimney and he now fits into it. Good thing Heath asked about it or it would have got lost in the too big pile till he was too big for it. Isn't that how it always goes.

Bucket head!

My little bucket head. Just in case you were wondering Yes he did this all himself. Wow the things little boys will do for a laugh.

Our little Red Sox fan. He is now big on hats. Wants to wear a hat whenever he goes outside. Isn't he adorable.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Our little pumpkin man!! His new favorite word for Halloween PUMPKIN!
Hey ya'all Just a little side note here. WE ARE PREGNANT!!! Just found out about 12 weeks ago and wow what a different pregnace. This one has to be a girl. God did it right when he took his time making us in the womb. Girls are much more complicated to put together maybe that is why all the morning sickness. ha ha Tugg loves it so far we say where is the baby and he says in the belly. How cute.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Welcome Rodeo Fans!!

It'a that time of year again. Where all the rowdy cowboys come to play. Tugg and I helped with the Happy Canyon this year. I coached can-can while Tugg came out of the trunk not as the baby but as the a big boy. The pictures aren't that great but you can kind of tell it's him. He was so cute.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Mommy and Daddy Day!

Bryan and I went to Seattle to watch the Red Sox beat the Mariners. We had so much fun!!

Tugg's First Hair Cut!

He got his first hair cut by grandma Martha. Just over the ears. These pictures do it no justice cause his hair grows so fast its already long again.

Over the fourth of July we went to Wallowa lake. Tugg had an amazing time eatting dirt and ash from the fire pit. Oh I will never figure boys out. Hey all you hunters out their if you want to catch a nice 4point put out some doritos. It seems to do the trick.


So recently we found out that Tugg loves ranch dressing. I went to him and was wondering what he was doing and this is him with ranch everywhere peeking under the table.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Just two more weeks then I am ONE!!

What a year it almost has been. Holy cow look at this little man. He sure is cute.