Monday, September 17, 2007

Tugg's 3 Month Pic

Tugg will be 3 months on Wednesday. My how time flys. He is now holding his head up by himself. He loves to suck on his hands and is possibly starting the wonderous stage of teething being that he drools all over. He is now reaching for toys and trying to roll over. When he gets really tired he makes an awful squeeling sound much like that of a teradactal (sp?), because I know what that sounds like and everything. He loves the sound of his mommy's voice and will calm down and look for me when I talk. He is growing so much and is such a joy to have around.

Brews and Shoes

We took Tugg to the 3rd annual horseshoe tournament in Baker, Oregon. Our team placed like third to last so out of the 3 losers we were the third. So basically we were the best losers and won one game of six. We had lots of fun though and here is Tugg flashing his big baby blues.

Biggest Boston Fans Ever

Here is Bryan and Tugg sporting their Boston garb. Gotta love spending time with Daddy and enjoying the coolest past time Go Red Sox!!!

Let 'er Buck

Last week was Round-Up and what a busy week. I coach the can can girls who perform during Happy Canyon and Tugg tagged right along with me. During one of our practice sessions Tugg was asked to be in the Friday and Saturday shows. Of course I was so excited. He got to be the baby that they pull out of the trunk along with a bunch of other kids during the show. So you can hardly see him, but he is the last to come out of the trunk and he is just a white bundle. It was to cute and is his little claim to fame at 2 and a half months old. These are pics of Tugg getting ready for practice in the front pack and one with his oversized (size 4 of course they don't fit, but are too cute) cowboy boots on and the Can Can Girls who took time out from practice to snap a few shots blowing Tugg sweet kisses.

Tugg's 2 Month Picture

Here is Tugg's 2 month picture. My how he has grown. In this picture he was 23.5 inches long and 13.7 lbs. At 2 months he really started falling in love with his binki and started to toy with the idea of sucking his tumb. He started getting much stronger and was much more alert and fun to play with.